Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Most Expensive Living Artists at Auction

Jeff Koons - Hanging Heart (Magenta/Gold)

Jeff Koons is currently the most expensive living artist at auction, with his Hanging Heart work selling for $23.6 million in November 2007.

If you ask me, I think it look like a giant display window art... I wouldnt buy it for $100... $23.6 million thats alot to ask for...And, here's some great quotes about the price of art by the art critic Robert Hughes.."The auction room, as anyone knows, is an excellent medium for sustaining fictional price levels, because the public imagines that auction prices are necessarily real prices." Robert Hughes"Art prices are determined by the meeting of real or induced scarcity with pure, irrational desire, and nothing is more manipulable than desire." Robert Hughes"Most of the time they buy what other people buy. They move in great schools, like bluefish, all identical. There is safety in numbers. If one wants Schnabel, they all want Schnabel, if one buys a Keith Haring, two hundred Keith Harings will be sold." Robert Hughes"A fair price is the highest one a collector can be induced to pay." Robert Hughes

Jeff Koons art works:

How to become a better artist

I saw this somewhere, its interesting.
It's a list of things that an artist could do to make progress.

  • Find a sanctuary where you can comfortably work.
  • Dedicate at least two hours a day to your art.
  • Have more than enough equipment and supplies.
  • Set short- and long-term goals and keep track of progress.
  • Think of your work as exercise, not championship play.
  • Explore series development and exhaust personal themes.
  • Work alone with the benefit of books and perhaps tapes.
  • Replace passive consumption with creative production.
  • Use your own intuition and master your technology.
  • Feel the joy of personal, self-generated sweat.
  • Fall in love with your own working processes.
  • Be forever on the lookout for the advent of style.
  • Try to be your own person and claim your rights.
  • Don't bother setting yourself up for rejection.
  • Don't swing too wildly and damage the well-being of others.
  • Don't jump into the ring until you're feeling fit.

Lets see how many of these i need to work on. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monster Monday

I Like monster, who doesnt, they are cool. I will try to post a monster up every Monday. This one i did a long while ago. Its a monster i did for a children cd rom game. Well, it got rejected, editor probaby think its too scary for little kids. I kind of agreed with her.

Aquarium 2.0

There were a little fish tank in the old studio. All the gold fishes kind of die off. Now in the new studio (yes after a whole year...), I finally got around to setup my new aquarium. This one is much bigger and i am putting tropical fish in it, instead of goldfish. I dont have alot of fish in there, but i will get more in the future. I even have 4 shrimps in there. They help me clean the tank and the kid love them. Hopeful this time it will last longer than last time :)