Friday, September 12, 2008

The Aftermath - studio drawing table

Summer is over now, but not the mess, i am still cleaning up the aftermath... It was crazy in the studio, with different types of summer art classes running each week, things got REALLY messy! It was a mess everywhere, i just dont have the time and energy to clean up. Below is a corner of the drawing table in the smaller room. It was pretty much like this for the whole summer....

  1. Fimo clay for clay class, I brought a whole boat load of them, cost me a lot. But they are very nice to work with and the kids all like it.

  2. The circle cutter for making button and sticker for the craft class, i think the button machine is just out of the photo.

  3. My Coffee! Tim Horton's double double, they kept me going all summer. They are everywhere in the studio, if you look carefully, you can find at least five cups in the photo... (the cup is clean, I usually get double cup, I sometime just use the extra cup for random stuff)

  4. Drawing from shading class, cell painting from cartooning class and my half finish robot painting

  5. My laptop among all the mess, was using it for cartooning class.

  6. Cup from craft class and other unfinished canvas painting from painting class.